Vote NO! on these Initiatives

The Jefferson County Democratics RECOMMENDS A NO! VOTE on these initiatives which will be on the General Election Ballot in November:

  • I-2109 would repeal Washington's capital gains tax. The tax affects about 3000 of the richest Washingtonians. Last year their capital gains were more than $12 billion!!! so they can afford it. Last year the tax raised more than $850 million for education and school construction. Defeat I-2109 and keep this revenue for our children and schools.

  • I-2117 would repeal the Climate Commitment Act, Governor Inslee's signature accomplishment in our efforts to respond to the climate crisis. The Act has already raised more than $2 billion and is redirecting money from polluters to green energy and transportation programs.

  • I-2111 would ban progressive income taxes at the state and local level. In fact, we need progressive income taxes to take pressure off property taxes and sales taxes. Washington's tax structure is highly regressive and we need a progressive income tax to address the inequity.