
Jefferson County Democrats Resolutions

When important issues concerning our values and platform come up, Jefferson County Democrats take a stand, and we call on someone (the party, a legislator, a delegation) to act in response to our concern. Any member (or the Board itself) may put forward a resolution for consideration of the membership.

Our Resolutions Committee collaborates with those who have submitted resolutions, to get resolutions into shape for consideration by the members. The committee helps those who submit resolutions refine the intent and language so that ideas can be presented to our membership, debated, and voted on in time-efficient ways; focusing on issues and ideas rather than on the form of the resolution. JCD’s Resolutions Committee also can help members shape resolutions that will be taken seriously by the WSDCC Resolutions Committee. Historically we’ve done well with this approach. Matt Sircely and Bill Miller wrote a JCD resolution that the state uses as a model for others.

The process and proper form for resolutions are laid out in our Rules for Resolutions (Google doc).

Before submitting your resolution, please check to see whether the State Party has already addressed your issue. The State Party will not adopt redundant resolutions. If you find that the State Party has already adopted a resolution on an idea you want to present but you believe an update is needed, please reference the State’s previous resolution when submitting your idea.

About Resolution Sections

Whereas Statements: The first part of the resolution should briefly describe the issue and make a logical and persuasive case for taking the action specified in the “Therefore statement.” These statements are most effective if they are based in fact and low in hyperbole. We want people to be open to our message. We don’t want anyone pointing out inaccurate “whereas” statements as a reason not to act.

Therefore statements: The Therefore is the action you want. Be specific. Don’t just say you want something to stop. You need to name someone who will do something within their power to address the situation you have identified. Read the Rules carefully on this point.

NOTE: All links are PDFs unless otherwise noted.

October 17, 2019

The following resolution will be presented at the Oct. 17, 2019 meeting:

September 19, 2019

The following resolutions will be voted on at the Sept. 19, 2019 meeting:

May 16, 2019

The following resolutions will be read before the membership at our May 16, 2019 meeting and voted on at the June 20, 2019 meeting. ADOPTED.

March 11, 2019

The following resolutions will be read before the membership at our March 11, 2019 meeting and voted on at the April 1 meeting:

September 12, 2018

The following resolutions will be read before the membership at our September 12, 2018 meeting: