Contact Jefferson County Democrats
How to contact the Jefferson County Democrats of Washington State
Preferred Method: Email at info@jeffcodemocrats.com
Alternate Method: Voicemail at (360) 379-5655
Via Snail Mail: PO Box 85, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Include your first and last name, your phone number and email address, and the reason for your contact.
Interested in volunteering? Include your volunteer interests in your email or voicemail message.
Committee Opportunities Include:
Communications (assist with various communications-related needs)
Membership (assist with various membership-related needs)
Operations (assist with operations needs related to conducting meetings and events)
Political Action (coordinate and/or assist with political action activities, including election-related activities)
Programs (assist with identifying engaging speakers on issues important to our community)
Social Events (assist with social and fundraising events)
Other Volunteer Opportunities:
Phone and Text Banking
Canvassing / Door-Knocking
Assisting at Booths or Tables at Fundraising or Social Events
General volunteer opportunities may overlap Committee opportunities.
Jefferson County also has VACANT Precent Committee Officer positions. Find out who your PCO is, or whether the position is currently vacant, HERE (or click About Us/Precint Committee Officers (PCOs), above). PCOs are elected positions; however, vacancies can be filled by appointment by the Chair of the Jefferson County Democrats. Interested? Let us know today!