Welcome to Jefferson County Democrats of Washington!

The election is over, with both great results locally and statewide and dismal prospects on the federal level.

It’s time to rejuvenate our local party for the challenges ahead.

Campaign Headquarters is now closed.

Jefferson County Democrats Calendar

  • Executive Board Meetings occur generally on the first Wednesday of each month, but are sometimes delayed. Please consult the Google calendar below.

  • Membership & Central Committee Meetings are scheduled by the Executive Board as programs, forums, endorsements, and other business require. Please consult the Google Calendar below.

2024 Democrats Deliver!

Great time had by all at the 2024 Big Fundraiser at Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Port Townsend on an important and historic day in history!! 

Scroll through these select images or view all photos taken….

Voting is the best thing you can do!

Voting is one of the most important rights we exercise as citizens of the United States. Thank you for participating!